Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome to Pennywhistle!

          I don't know how many of you have read about my first exciting adventure (or "misadventure" as the Pennywhistle Weekly Whistler keeps calling it!), but I'm just glad it's over. School's back in session after spring break and I'm almost glad. (Well, except I have Tabitha Tabernacle for my ancient religions and strange phenomenons class and, boy, is my head going around in circles!)
          My mom and dad are still here after having been summoned back from their archeology dig in the Cacklemandury Outback, but I think they are leaving again pretty soon. I miss them when they're gone, but staying with my Grandpa and Flora is great! I think they are headed for the Isthmus of Ickkyspitt this time. Sure wish I could go with them, but they say wait another year. Oh, well.
          Well, guess that's it for now. Specks and Rosie are waiting outside so we can get to school on time. Half the time we're late because we get distracted by stuff along the way. Well, you know how it is. Later!

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